Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I wanted to start a blog so that I can get consistent information to as many people that are interested in taking art lessons. I've recently realized there is a major interest in the neighborhood to learn about art, and I am so excited to be able to offer my knowledge to those who want to learn! Personally, I love painting and embroidering, but thanks to my degree in fine arts, I can teach you about drawing, acrylic painting, watercolors, jewelry/metals, clay and screen printing.
I currently give private lessons, but occasionally will be offering group lessons as well. I am willing to teach all age groups, and I teach out of my home, which is in East Nashville.
Email me at eastnashvilleartlessons@gmail.com if you'd like to find out more information. You can also visit ashleystevenerart.blogspot.com if you're interested in seeing my work.

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